The College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES) is an engine for economic and community development in New Mexico, improving the lives of New Mexicans through academic, research, and Extension programs. What the College of ACES does, positively impacts water usage and conservation, food and fiber production and marketing, environmental stewardship, family development and health of New Mexicans. The college offers bachelor, masters, and doctorate programs.

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Image of student smiling in field

Ag Modernization in Progress | WebCam

Phase 2 of this project will focus on improved laboratory, research, and classroom spaces for ACES.

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Image of foodmill

From our Dean, Rolando A. Flores

The work of our college, academics, research and Extension, takes place at various locations, however we strive to see ourselves as one. With that in mind, we are looking at how we can work smarter with the resources we have so we can continue to make a positive impact in the economic and community development of New Mexico. Learn more..

I encourage you to contact me at:
Rolando A. Flores
Dean & Chief Administrative Officer

College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences
NMSU | Box 30003, MSC 3AG
Las Cruces, NM, 88003-8003
Phone: 575-646-3748 | Fax: 575-646-5975

We invite you to learn more about our college.