2009 Southwest Yard & Garden Archives
Southwest Yard & Garden is a weekly column, written by Curtis W. Smith, Extension horticulture specialist, that addresses garden and landscape questions. For more gardening information, visit the NMSU Extension publications World Wide Web site at http://www.cahe.nmsu.edu/pubs/_h. | ![]() NEW! Desert Blooms website |
Send your gardening questions to:
Yard and Garden, ATTN: Dr. Curtis Smith
NMSU Cooperative Extension Service
9301 Indian School Road, NE, Suite 112
Albuquerque, NM 87112
Curtis W. Smith, Ph.D., is an Extension Horticulture Specialist with New Mexico State University's Cooperative Extension Service. New Mexico State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educator.
January 3Salt accumulation in potting soil damages house plants.
January 10Poinsettias will freeze outside in New Mexico
It is difficult to force lilac twigs to bloom early indoors.
January 17Minimize damage to tree roots when building footers
January 24Fire prevention pruning may increase chances of bark beetle attack, but pruning paint won't help - Siberian elm may be used to create a "shrub" hedge
January 31Pruning thornless blackberries - Raspberries and blueberries for Central New Mexico
February 7If you want to grow blueberries in New Mexico you must work to modify soil pH.
Febrary 14Some reasons a nandina plant may do poorly
February 21Manage weeds to reduce curly top virus this summer
Yes, you can grow okra in New Mexico
February 28Composting can be almost odorless
March 7Restarting a "rested" garden is like beginning a new garden
March 14Don't let seeds dry when they are germinating!
March 21Be careful when using fertilizer combined with post-emergent herbicide.
March 28Avocados are not a recommended tree for New Mexico
April 4You can save your poinsettia for next year if you are willing to take the effort
April 11Gardening in New Mexico is different from the East Coast
April 18Grafting may help a wounded apple tree
April 25Fungus gnats in aloe vera potted plant
May 2Wisteria seed planting and peach tree seedlings
May 9Which is better? Rock mulch or bark mulch?
May 16Grass can be weeds in garden
May 23You can keep birds from eating your seedlings
May 30Are there any roses that will grow in Cloudcroft?
June 6Transplants can be shocked by the transplant process
June 13You can grow stevia in New Mexico during the summer
June 17There are several potential causes for a tree to appear to die suddenly
June 27Spurge weed management in lawns
July 4There are options if a tree is too close to a house
July 11Plant hollyhock seeds as they mature on the plant
July 18Curly top virus strikes again!
July 25Blossom end rot in New Mexico is due to hot, dry conditions
Tomato spotted wilt virus is a problem in New Mexico
August 1 Fruit trees do not usually bear good quality fruit the first year after planting
August 8Extreme pruning of euonymus now can cause problems in some parts of New Mexico
August 15Some vegetable plants not forming fruits this summer
August 18Transplanting New Mexico locust and Russian olive and what to do with a tree the wind broke
August 29Consider safety when installing greywater systems
September 5Early September is a good time to prepare houseplants for wintering indoors
September 12My houseplants have gotten too large to bring indoors. They will not fit where I kept them last winter. Is it ok to trim them back?
September 19Gourds may be edible, but often not tasty - Be sure you know what you are eating
Now is the time to plant spring-flowering bulbs
Southwest Yard & Garden - Sept 26, 2009Coffee grounds and tea leaves are good for New Mexico gardens
October 3Efficient turfgrass irrigation depends on you
October 10Juniper mistletoe is difficult to eradicate
October 17Saving seeds for next year
October 25There are some trees, shrubs, and vines to give red fall color in New Mexico
November 5Rose pruning in fall is discouraged
November 14You can start a mimosa tree from seeds
November 21Here are some unusual and interesting houseplants you can grow
November 28Fruit flies or fungus gnats? You need to identify insects to properly manage problems
December 5There are several reasons why people do not compost
December 12Making compost from leaves may need some additional nitrogen
December 19Should we irrigate in the winter?
December 26Pinching to remove flowers buds helps keep some coleus plants attractive