Funded Projects

Food Safety Summit

The global supply chain needs resilient food systems that not only avoid and mitigate disruptions but also recover from them. Addressing concerns delaying resilient food systems requires the convergence of food knowledge across disciplines and sectors. Recognizing the issues within the food supply system have many levels and participants, the need for structured exploration, appreciation, recognition, and direction becomes apparent.

The Food Summit will combine principles and processes of appreciative inquiry to develop an innovative and economically feasible vision and the community capitals framework to identify available resources to realize the vision using a systems approach.

For more information, visit Food Summit.

Impacting Career Engagement in Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences

The goal of the Impacting Career Engagement in Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences grant project is to increase graduates (minority and vulnerable populations) entering the agricultural workforce through leadership, communication and experiential experiences at AES and CES sites. The interest and involvement of students is of equal importance as New Mexico State University works to encourage careers in agriculture and provide necessary support and opportunities.

Learn more about Impacting Career Engagement in Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.

Young AgriScientists

The goal of the Young AgriScientists Program is to provide and evaluate an enhanced undergraduate research experience to students in agriculture, food, and natural resources (AFNR). This is a collaborate effort with Texas Tech University to recruit future scientists in AFNR. Students will experience undergraduate research opportunities with faculty mentors selected in the College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences (ACES).

Learn more about the Young AgriScientists Program.