Meet the Team

Trip leaders 2023 from NMSU, Jornada LTER, University of Texas - El Paso, and Amy Biehl Charter High School. They are passionate about their research and all love the outdoors. They are also trained in Wilderness and Remote Area First Aid. The trip leaders will carry a satellite device to contact emergency personnel.

Dr. Wiebke Boeing


Dr. Wiebke Boeing is an aquatic ecology professor at NMSU and is leading the Girls/Boys Explore! team. Visit Dr. Boeing's Profile.

Neeshia Macanowicz

Trip leader Neeshia

I am a Restoration Ecologist with focused research on grasses in the Chihuahuan Desert. Aside from looking at plants, I spend a lot of time petting any animal that crosses my path and playing music.






Dr. Marguerite Mauritz-Tozer

I am a professor at the University of Texas - El Paso and an ecosystem ecologist that loves to ask why things are the way they are. My research focuses on carbon cycling and transfer of carbon between ecosystems and the atmosphere - the breathing of the biosphere. In my free time I love to explore, cook, and fix things.

Megan Stovall


I am currently teaching science and guitar at Amy Biehl High School in Albuquerque, NM. My background is in botany and soil ecology and I enjoy sharing the love of the natural world with others any chance I can get. My other interests include making music and spending quality time with loved ones - especially my cats.