Support Girls/Boys Explore!

Become a Sponsor

Become a Bronze Sponsor by donating $100 or over: have your name appear on our website.

Become a Silver Sponsor by donating $250 or over: have your name and link to your website appear on the Girls/Boys Explore! website.

Become a Gold Sponsor by donating $500 or over: have your logo and link to your website featured on our website.

Girls/Boys Explore! is only possible due to the generosity of corporate and private sponsorship. Sponsor a girl/guy to attend Girls/Boys Explore! this summer.

Or send a check made out to "NMSU Foundation" with "Girls/Boys Explore!" in the subject line to the following address:

ATTN: Wiebke Boeing
Department of Fish, Wildlife & Conservation Ecology
New Mexico State University
2980, S. Espina
132, Knox Hall
Las Cruces, NM, 88003

Donate Gear

In order to maintain Girls/Boys Explore! as free to all participants, we rely upon gear donations to provide participants with backpacking essentials for the trip. In particular, we are looking for new or lightly used: Hiking boots, backpacks, tents, synthetic shorts, synthetic t-shirts, wool socks, fleece/synthetic jackets, 1L water bottles, headlamps, whistles, rain jackets, hiking pants, compression sacks, sandals/tevas/chacos/crocs.

Volunteer or Spread the Word

Share the link to this website to potential sponsors. Encourage high school students who you think would be interested to apply.

Have another idea of how you can be involved? We'd love to hear it!