Southwest Yard & Garden: How-to videos

How to Identify Common Shrub problems

  • Mesquite tree, Japanica, Desert Bird of Paradise, Japonica, Mexican Bush Sage
How to Identify Common Tree problems

  • Mesquite tree, Japanica, Desert Bird of Paradise, Japonica, Mexican Bush Sage
How to Build a Bio-Intensive Garden

  • Fertilizing trees, fertilizer burn, fertilizer spikes, tree splitting, Pear Slug damage
How to Identify Pests on Your Plants and Trees

  • Crape Myrtle, Leaf Cutter Bee, Euonymus heat scorch, Spanish Broom, caterpillars, Ash tree scale, Aphids and Whiteflies, Airified Mite
How to Choose the Right Sage for your Garden

  • Texas Ranger, soft wood cutting, Green Cloud, Scarlet Sage, Salvia, Mexican Sage, herbal sages
How to Identify Problems with Trees and Plants

  • Native plant society, tomatoe plant defoliated, tomato horn worm, Pecan leaves yellow spotching, Black Pecan Aphid, Powdery mildew on Lilac, Caterpiller on Texas Mountain Laurel
How To Identify Garden Pests on Plants & Shrubs

  • Shrubby Senna, desert plants, summer bloom, shrub, Salvia, Spittle Bug, Aphid, organic control, powdery mildew, Aphid, Whitefly, Ash, Codling Moth, chemical insecticide, Cochineal Scale, Prickly Pear
How To Identify Problems With Plants & Shrubs

  • Wisteria, not blooming, reproductive stage, root pruning, iron deficiency, Leaf Cutter Bee, Bouganvia, browning in center, Dianthus, Artemesia, pinching, tipping, strawberries, time to replant
How To Identify Problems With Roses, Fruit & Trees

  • Fireblight, bacterial disease, pear, disinfect pruning tools, Ash, Bark Beetle, dieback, Crape Myrtle, powdery mildew, iron fertilizer
How To Identify Problems With Plants & Vegetables

  • gummosis, bacterial disease, nutrient uptake, micronutrient fertilizer, bacteria spread, tomato mottling, viral infection, Tobacco Mosaic Virus Resistant, VFNT, pale yellow new growth, iron deficiency, cactus garden, overwater
How To Identify Problems With Garden Plants & Vegetables

  • tomato cracking, heat related cracks, soft rot, heat scorch, 3 leaf Sumac, nodules, nipple gall, grape leaf hopper, organic control, harvest grapes
How To Identify Problems With Trees & Vegetable Plants

  • Chitalpa, insect induced rapid growth, Desert Willow, yellow squash, when to pick, Butternut Squash, picked too soon, depth of planting, Curly Top virus, nutrient imbalance
How To Choose Pansies, Chrysanthemums & Asters

  • pansies, Viola, Johnny Jump-Up, Dancing Bear, giant pansies, Albuquerque, fertilizer, organic matter, amended soil, Chrysanthemums, landscaping, garden mums, cut back, Perennial Aster
How To Identify Insects In Your Trees

  • Clearwing Borer, Ash tree, sap oozing, moth, Fall Webworms, Bagworms, Black Widow spider, Brown Recluse
How To Identify Problems With Plants & Shrubs

  • Virginia Creeper, Vinca Major, St. John's Wort, weed trees, Ailanthus, Tree of Heaven, Elm, Nutsedge, Bindweed, Spurge, Silverleaf Nightshade, poisonous, prickles weedy plants, Virginia Creeper, Vinca Major, St. JohnÕs Wort, weed trees, Ailanthus, Tree of Heaven, Elm, Nutsedge, Bindweed, Spurge, Silverleaf Nightshade, poisonous, prickles
How To Identify Problems With Vegetable Plants

  • squash leaf, powder mildew, Blossom End Rot, calcium deficiency, sun scald, uneven watering, saving seeds, hybrid
How To Choose The Right Pumpkin Variety To Grow

  • pumpkin variety trial, commercial farmers, 4H, high yielding hybrids, Magic Lantern, Merlin, Appalachian, powdery mildew, squash bugs
How To Use Chickens To Control Garden Pests

  • integrated pest management, IPM, squash bug, aphid, tomato hornworm, cabbage loppers, sucking insects, infestation, disease control, weed control
How To Choose The Right Cherry Tomato For Your Garden

  • Sungold Hybrid, Sweet Chelsea, Sunsugar, Extra Sweet Sun Cherry, Juliet, patio variety, Early Goliath, Floragold, Micro Tom, Tiny Tim, Early Girl
How Terry Peterson Built His Native Plant & Cactus Gardens

  • xeriscaping, ornamental grass, Sideoats Grama, Rubber Rabbit Brush, Chocolate Flower, raised cactus bed, Hedgehog, Do–a Ana Cactus, Mammolaria Candida, Steno Cactus, Echinopsis, Paper Flower, Blackfoot Daisy, Purple Verbena
How To Identify Problems With Flowers & Vegetable Plants

  • Pittisporum, Cottony Cushion Scale, root rot, Root Knot Nematode, organic nematicide, Gladoila, soil insects, soil disease, Wireworms, grubworms, Fusarium, snap beans
How To Identify Problems With Plants & Ant Killer

  • Chitalpa, Mexican Elder, xeriscape, Desert Willow, ants, Amdro, fire ants, ant species, insecticide Silverleaf Nightshade, Solinace family, Lariape, transplant, segment plants, Chitalpa, Mexican Elder, Desert Willow, Amdro
How To Identify Garden Pests On Your Plants & Shrubs

  • Spittlebug, rosemary, cooking, Spanish Broom, Cottony Cushion Scale, sucking insect, English Ivy, sun exposure, Oleander, aphid, lacewing
How To Identify Problems With Plants & Trees

  • rubber plant, drainage problem, potted plants, browning, leaf drop, poor drainage, pomegranate, undeveloped fruit, white dots, white fly, Petunia, army worm, aphid, mite damage, stickiness, Lepidopterous, caterpillar, peach tree, thinning, shot hole virus, prunus
How To Identify Problems With Fruit And Vegetable Plants

  • Bradford pear, ornamental pear, stinkbug, blister mite, brown spots, bolt resistant, tomato, waterwalls, green tomato, cracking, vertical crack, horizontal crack, heat crack, catface, ladybug pupil, edible artichoke
How To Identify Problems With Vegetable Plants

  • Tomato Hornworm, Sphynx Moth, Mosaic Virus, Tobacco Mosaic, Curly Top Virus, Tomato Spotted Wilt, Chile Wilt, Root Rot, squash male flower, squash female flower
How To Identify Problems With Trees And Plants

  • Day Lillies, Crepe Myrtle, deadheading, Iris, yellow patch, heat damage, plant sunburn, Yellow Breasted Sap Sucker, borer, bird borer, peeling bark, crabapple tree
How To Identify Problems With Trees

  • outlawed junipers, hayfever allergies, sidewalk planter, deicing salt, Spruce, Aster, Chrysanthemum, pruning, cut back, late bloom, Cottonwood tree, Petiole Leaf Gall Aphid
How To Identify Pest Problems With Trees

  • Chitalpa tree, root problem, watering, desert willow, leaf diseases, leaf spotting, circling roots, Mulberry tree, shallow roots, Cottonwood tree, Cottonwood borer, Asian Longhorn beetle
How To Identify Problems With Plants & Shrubs

  • 4 oÕclock plant, weevil, aster, leafcutter bee, eaten leaves, leaf damage, Solanum dulcamara, Matrimony vine, potato vine, training vines, Grecian Silk Vine, milkweed, sap, privacy vines, deciduous, powdery mildew, night watering, sweet pea vine, grapevine
How A Garden Soil Sample Is Analyzed

  • soil samples, analyze soil, macronutrients, titration method, micronutrients, salt, sodium, soil paste, dissolved minerals, Soil Water and Air Testing Lab
How To Build A Shaded Vegetable Garden

  • sun scald, hail protection, harvesting, garden temperature, insect deterrent, frost pattern, growing season, transplants, 33% shade, okra, corn, chile
How Katherine Neely Built Her Garden

  • tree problems, gas leak, Mexican Elder, lack of oxygen, Indian Hawthorne, foliage burn, gas lines
How To Identify Tree Damage From A Natural Gas Leak

  • tree problems, gas leak, Mexican Elder, lack of oxygen, Indian Hawthorne, foliage burn, gas lines
How To Identify Common Tree Problems

  • watering, planters, Mexican Elder, dormancy, leaf burn, deadwood, pruning, overwatering, internal rot, mushroom
How To Choose Plants For Xeriscape Garden Part 2

  • blue avena, xeriscape, Cherry Sage, Salvia, Autumn Stage, hummingbirds, Red Yucca, Desert Willow, Mountain Mahogany, low water, Bird of Paradise, arid land plant, toxic beans, Chitalpa, Lavender, irrigation, bumblebees, honeybees, Soap Tree Yucca
How To Identify Problems With Plants & Shrubs

  • rhubarb, sandy soil, raised bed, Peace Lily, dry air, drainage, sand garden, top dress, compost, Boston Fern, runners, storage organs, root circling, tree quality
How To Identify And Control Problems With Trees

  • Manzanita, exfoliating bark, aerial roots, airified mites, irregular growth, transplant, Red Bud, leaf holes, leaf discoloration, Mexican Red Bud, leaf burn, wind damage, woody pith, shot hole virus, Viburnum, leaf curl aphids, thrips, Mexican Buckeye, toxin, propagation, cactus leaf, prickly pear
How To Identify Problems With Plants & Shrubs

  • hollow stem, Texas Honey Mesquite, mesquite twig borer, insect problem, Japanese Maple, dry leaves, soil salt, understory plant, Magnolia, alkaline soil, acidic soil, nutrient stress, chlorosis, micronutrient deficiency, nutrient fertilizer, watering, bud grafts, stem cutting, hard wood cutting, Russin Olive, European Olive, freeze damage
How To Identify Problems with Plants & Shrubs

  • caterpillar, Douglas Fir Tussock Moth, Blue Spruce, Pi–on Juniper woodlands, wind blown larvae, egg mass, BT, Bacillus thuringiensis, contact insecticide, top killing, spruce tree damage, bark beetle, ponderosa pine, Ips bark beetle, exit holes, twig beetle, blue stain fungus, xylem
How To Plant Beans, And Problems With Royal Gala Apple Tree

  • soaking beans, Scarlet Runner bean, hummingbirds, bush bean, runner bean, pole bean, bean varieties, growing beans, roma bean, blue lake, French bean, snap beans, Royal Gala apple tree, apple worm, cottled moth, powdery mildew fungus, Apple tree
How To Identify Problems With Plants & Shrubs

  • bark discoloration, southwest injury, paint trunks white, winter scalding, pruning cut, Ash tree, Goldn RainTree, Box elderbug, spider mite, juniper, twig death, miticide, biological control
How To Identify Problems With Plants & Shrubs

  • Euonymus bush, Japonica, powdery mildew,fungicide, holly, iron deficiency, micronutrient fertilizer, alkaline soil, dead tips, pine tip moth, ladybug
How To Identify Problems With Plants & Shrubs

  • planting depth, angled planting, adventitious roots, cage planting, Oleander, winter damage, aphids, insecticidal soap, silverberry shrub
How To Identify Problems With Plants & Shrubs

  • ground covering, spreading juniper, Magnolia, micronutrients, evergreen shrub, Japonica, yellow leaves, water stress, Hollyhock, nutrient deficiency, stunted growth, aphids, nematode, Bradford pear, blister mite
How To Choose Plants For Xeriscape Garden

  • Mountain, Penstemon, Pineleaf Penstemon, Moonshine Yarrow, Three-leaf Sumac, deciduous shrub, Bush Penstemon, xeriscape garden, paperflower, Cliff Rose, flowering shrub, Firewheel, Indian Blanket, Rocky Mountain Zinnia, ground cover, Penstemon, Pineleaf Penstemon, Moonshine Yarrow, Three-leaf Sumac, deciduous shrub
How To Use The Narrowleaf Penstemon In Your Garden

  • penstemon, honeybees, pollination, parasitic flies, bumblebees, wasps, butterflies, moths, swallowtails, painted ladies, water conservation, drought tolerant, native plant
How To Choose High-Elevation Plants

  • high elevation, high water zone, blue salvia, flowering tobacco, miniature tea roses, begonia, alyssum, moderate water use zone, creeping juniper, rockspray cotoneaster, spruce, red yucca, potentilla, lilac, photinia, honeysuckle, white spirea, Apache plume, new mexico olive, pampass grass Russian sage, silver berry, wisteria, western wheatgrass, blue grama, sideoats grama
How To Identify And Control Common Lawn Weeds

  • weed control, Nutsage, Nutgrass, triangular stem, Jungle Rice, annual grassy weed, Pigweed, fuzzy seed, annual, broadleaf weed killer, Russian Thistle, tumbleweed, Kochia, woody stalk, weedkiller, MSMA, trimec, total vegetation killer, Triox
How To Keep Your Tree From Dying

  • Varieties of trees, Littleleaf Linden, Ginko, Desert Willow, Chitalpa, Mountain Ash, Mimosa or Silk Tree
How To Choose The Right Tree For New Mexico Gardens

  • Do–a Ana county, Albuquerque, Montgomery Park, Varieties of trees, Littleleaf Linden, Ginko, Desert Willow, Chitalpa, Mountain Ash, Mimosa or Silk Tree, Map of trees at park management office , Varieties of trees, Littleleaf Linden, Ginko, Desert Willow, Chitalpa, Mountain Ash, Mimosa or Silk Tree
How To Prepare Garden Soil Sample For Analysis

  • soil scientist, soil sample, field test, lawn sample, calcium carbonate, alkaline, ph, hydrometer, soil test kit, county extension office
How To Identify Common Shrub & Tree Diseases

  • powdery mildew, japonica, spore infection, chemical control, ornamental fungicide
How To Identify And Control The Pine Tip Moth

  • Nantucket pine tip moth, tip moth, ornamental pines, parasitic wasp, natural control, round pine trees, multiple main stems, pheremones, sticky trap, Afghan pine, ponderosa pine, scotch pine, pi–on pine, Austrian pine, Japanese back pine, Limber pine, southwestern white pine, bristle cone pine
How To Pick Plants And Trees at A Nursery

  • tight buds, insect damage, aphid, snail, slug, root system, plant tags, phosphorus deficiency, leaf hopper, white roots, AAS, all American selection, VFI & 2, verticillium/ fusurium wilt resistant strains 1 & 2, N, nematode resistant, tobacco mosaic resistant, disease resistant, bud union, dog leg
How A Micro-Climate Works

  • New Mexico State University, Southwest Yard & Garden, Gardening, plants, Curtis Smith, Rick Daniell, Do–a Ana County Master Gardener, southern New Mexico, Las Cruces, Do–a Ana county, Pistachio tree, Alamogordo, micro-climate, winter, wind protection, Almond tree, Albuquerque, home gardener, male and female tree, Pistachio tree, micro-climate, wind protection, Almond tree, male and female tree
How To Pick Out An Ornamental Grass For Landscape

  • ornamental grass, ricegrass, bunch grass, cool season grass, Little Bluestem, Giant Sacaton, windbreak, low water use
How To Pick Out A Garden Pesticide

  • pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, toxicity, grade, organic, label information, first aid, childproof, concentration
How To Dispose Of Leftover Lawn Chemicals

  • New Mexico State University, Southwest Yard & Garden, Gardening, plants, Curtis Smith, Frank Holguin, Do–a Ana County Master Gardener, southern New Mexico, Las Cruces, Do–a Ana county, Valencia County, chemical disposal, food grade container, rinse water, use leftover
How To Propagate Raspberries And Blackberries

  • propagation, raspberries, blackberries, rooted cutting, root stimulator, phosphorus hedge row, suckers, prina cane, flora cane, winter kill, everbearing raspberries, trellace training
How To Add Zinc To Pecan Trees

  • pecan, tree, zinc, zinc spray, micronutrient, foliar spray, sprayer bottle, NZN, bud break, fertilizer, pollination, nitrogen, drip line
How To Identify Pecan Problems

  • webworms, biological control, DiPel, aphids, Black Pecan Aphid, Yellow Pecan Aphid, pupil case, Pecan Nut Casebearer, diseased pecans, Wichita, Western Slide
How To Identify The Pecan Aphid

  • sticky drops, pecan aphid, Black Pecan Aphid, brown spots, piercing sucking mouthparts, vascular system, winged aphids, green lacewing, beneficial insects
Patch Budding Pecans

  • Patch budding pecans, pecan varieties, branch cutting, bud stick, budding tape, patch bud
How To Fertilize Bermuda Grass Lawns

  • Bermuda grass, grass density, complete fertilizer, fertilizer bag info, macronutrient, soil test, drought resistance, fertilizer application, drop spreader, cyclone spreader
How To Mow Your Lawn

  • reel type mower, manual mower, rotary mower, lawn clippings, mowing height, hybrid Bermuda grass, side discharge, scalp area
How To Treat For Lawn Grubs

  • Bosque Farms, lawn grubs, white grubs, Dursban, Oftenal, or Diazion, may beetle, june beetle, grub species, Japanese beetle, milky spore disease, green june beetle
How To Fertilize Your Fall Lawn

  • fall lawn care, Bermuda, winter kill, warm season grass, root growth, top growth, mowing, mowing height, hybrid Bermuda, cool season grass, watering, soil moisture
How To Test Lawn Irrigation Systems

  • lawn grass, lawn care, irrigation systems, can test, water uniformity, soil moisture, moisture test, root zone
How To Program Lawn Irrigation Controllers

  • irrigation control, battery backup system, irrigation system, lawn care, programming controller, automatic systems
How To Install Lawn Irrigation Systems

  • irrigation control, watering, irrigation system, lawn care, digital controller, AB program, zone, backflow preventer, atmospheric vacuum breaker, AVB, chemical contaminant, drip, 4 inch popup
How To Use Micro-Misters For Drip Irrigation Systems

  • irrigation control, watering, irrigation system, drip irrigation, high water zone, micro mister system, potted plant system, purple fountain grass, verbena, flag emitter, plant establishment, valve box, code requirements
How To Apply Drip Irrigation Systems

  • irrigation control, watering, irrigation system, lawn care, drip irrigation, sub surface drip, vegetable garden, turf irrigation, pressure regulator, emitter, coiled poly pipe, multi-outlet emitter, installation, run time, gallons per hour
How To Build A Drip Irrigation System

  • irrigation control, watering, irrigation system, lawn care, drip irrigation, root zone, water conservation, zone valve, manual valve, electric valve, pressure tester, multiple emitter, spray head, poly pipe, goof plug, insert fitting, compression adapter T, flush end cap
How To Identify Insects In Your Garden

  • native insects, invasive insects, spiders, praying mantis egg case, wood boring insects, corrective pruningafghan pine, juniper, male cone, female cone, sticky leaves, aphids, honeydew, ladybird beetle, ladybug, beneficial insect
How To Use Beneficial Insects In Your Garden

  • nematode, bacteria, fungi, pesticide reduction, aphids, bollworm, pecan nut casebearer, rose aphids, Asian Lady Beetle, pecan aphid, Trichograma, Trashback Lacewing
How To Deal With

  • honeybees, Africanized honeybees, hive, feral colony, wax comb, swarm, bee attack
How To Plant Orchids

  • Dendrobian, orchid grower society, Las Cruces Orchid Society, microclimate, spider mites, bark mixture
How To Divide And Re-Plant Irises

  • iris, pansies, tulip, narcissus, hyacinth, divide iris, main tuber, rhizome, planting depth
How To Dry Fruit

  • dehydrated food, oxidization, apples, apricots, vitamin C, ascorbic acid, antioxidant, melons, cherries
How To Dry and Freeze Vegetables and Herbs

  • dried herbs, dehydrated food, basil, oregano, thyme, tarragon, parsley, sage, fly repellant, freezer burn, jalapeno, tomato, sun dried tomato, Roma tomato, cooperative extension office, guide E-320, guide E-321
How To Can Fruits and Vegetables

  • canned food, pressure canner, food regulations, food poisoning, floating fruit, head space, botchalism, guide E-306, guide E-319, guide E-307
How To Start A Warm-Weather

  • bedding plants, soil temperature, tomato, herbs, basil, dill, cilantro, parsley, sage, soil moisture, bedding plants, root system, raised bed garden, drainage, organic matter, cedar
How To Re-Pot House Plants

  • frost, potted plants, propagation, replanting, watering, Amaryllis, indoor plants
How To Divide and Re-Pot Onion and Herbs

  • green onions, bunching onions, parsley, basil, oregano, chives, shallots, herbs
How To Use Potting Soils and Recycle Plastic Containers

  • Green onions, bunching onions, parsley, basil, oregano, chives, shallots, herbs
How To Use Plastic Row Covers & Wall Of Water For Plants

  • New Mexico State University, Southwest Yard & Garden, Gardening, plants, Curtis Smith, George Dickerson, Do–a Ana County Master Gardener, southern New Mexico, Las Cruces, Do–a Ana county, early garden, late freeze, frost, polyester, spunbond polypropylene, row cover, self ventilating, wire hoops, Joe Holdridge, wall of water
How To Create A Fire Defensible Landscape Part 2

  • forest fire, fire defensible, gravel ground cover, moisture content, defensible space, pi–on juniper, flammable vegetation, vegetation density, flying embers, asphalt roof, tile roof, fuel load, tree thinning, ladder fuel
How To Create A Fire Defensible Landscape

  • forest fire, fire defensible, tree thinning, access lanes, fire department, ground fire, ponderosa pine, defensible space, ladder fuel, fire dependent species, forest health, structure safety
How to Make Vermicompost

  • vermicompost, red wigglers, manure worm, Acena Phadida, vermicomposting: Guide H-164