Project Links

  • NMSU Receives NSF Grant
    to study the link between acequia hydrology, culture, and ecosystem. New Mexico State University's College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences has received a $1.4 million grant from the National Science Foundation to provide new insights into the relationships between traditional water management systems, communities and landscapes.
  • Water Scarcity in New Mexico
    8.5.11 (LAS CRUCES) - According to the U.S. Climactic Data Center the first six months of 2011 was the driest period on record for New Mexico and Texas. In this report we look at how the drought is affecting the region. We'll also tell you about steps being taken to monitor and prepare for what some say will be a future with more and more area water scarcity dilemmas. KRWG's Jared Andersen reports.
  • Surface Water - Groundwater Interactions
    in Irrigated Floodplains in Northern New Mexico. Along irrigated cropland corridors between irrigation ditches and rivers, potential water quantity and water quality benefits of ditch seepage and irrigation deep percolation may derive from the close interaction between surface water and shallow groundwater.
  • Water Worries in Colorado's San Luis Valley Surface
    The cost of running pivot-point sprinklers in the San Luis Valley likely will increase this spring under a new agreement designed to restore underground aquifers. By May, center-pivot farmers must activate a plan to reduce the water pulled from the aquifer by about 30,000 acre-feet a year. (Bruce Finley, The Denver Post)

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